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11 June, 2012

Why Is Printing Cheaper Than Embroidered Caps

If you’ve had a look through our website you’ve probably noticed that embroidered caps are more expensive then printed ones. Here are the reasons why. Embroidery is a much slower process than printing. Most embroidery machines come with a maximum 15 heads. That means you can only embroider 15 at a time. Firstly they have to put a brace inside the cap. That gets attached to the machine so that it’s fixed in position. Then you need put the different threads on each head for the embroidery.

All of what I’ve described above can take anywhere from 30 minutes to one hour depending on the complexity. Once 15 are done the machine has to be stopped. You then remove the caps, take off the brace and then you have to put a new cap on the brace, attach to the machine and away you go again. At only 15 a time and taking up to 15 minutes or more for the embroidery depending on the stitch count you can see how time consuming this can be and hence the reason why embroidered caps are more expensive than printing.

The Caps Only Team