myths colourful blocks

15 March, 2023

Myths About Branded Caps You Need to Stop Believing

Caps are more than just headwear — they’re fashion statements and potential marketing tools. That’s why many companies create customised caps to be given away as giveaways or to promote their brands in other ways. But there are several myths about branded caps that can cause people to make poor purchasing decisions. These misconceptions can keep companies from benefiting from the full potential of this promotional item.

This article looks at some common myths about branded caps that you need to stop believing to make your business get the most out of the caps it purchases.

Myth #1 - Branding Caps Won’t Get Me Noticed
One of the most common myths about branded caps is that they won’t get you noticed. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, branded caps are one of the best ways to get your business noticed.

Not only will people see your brand when they’re wearing the cap, but they’ll also be more likely to remember your brand when they see it again.

Myth #2 - Branded Caps are only for Adults
A lot of people think that printed caps are only for adults. This couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, printed caps are a great way to show off your personality — no matter your age. If you're looking for a fun and unique way to express your business, consider gifting branded caps to all ages. These caps can be found in all shapes, sizes, colours, and styles.

Myth #3 - Businesses Shouldn’t Use Personalised Caps as Part of Their Marketing Mix
It’s a common misconception that businesses shouldn’t use personalised caps & hats as part of their marketing mix. The truth is, branded caps can be a great way to promote your business and increase brand awareness.

Myth #4 - People Who Wear Golfing Hats are Just Looking for Attention
Golfing caps and hats are often associated with a certain level of wealth and sophistication. Wearing one can help you exude confidence, which is why many people choose to do so. However, some believe that people who wear golfing hats are just looking for attention. This couldn't be further from the truth. People wear golfing hats because they enjoy the sport and want to show their support. And they could use it for marketing purposes.

Myth #5 - I Don't Have Enough Employees
Some people think their company can't have branded caps because they don't have enough employees. Wrong! Many companies with just one or two employees use a personalised hat as their branding effort and the rest they use as giveaways to clients in order to promote their business. Whether you're a small or large company, there's no reason not to use custom caps as your marketing effort. It's affordable and practical for any size of business.  

The Caps Only Team