man wearing cap looking at horizon

28 February, 2022

Get Your Brand Spotted With Custom Baseball Caps

Summer is open us and if you want your brand to be easily spotted by many people, do it with custom baseball caps. They are easily seen and if you do the right design, can be very eye-catching for people to view. You can easily attract attention and eyeballs to your design, which will help reinforce your brand to the masses. They can be done as bulk giveaways, sports days for schools, company uniforms, apparel for sports teams, hand out to volunteers or freebies for the yearly fun run.

One of the biggest aspects of purchasing the right promotional item is getting it seen. There is no point in having a product that people won’t use, or worse, one that they throw out. We can guarantee you that nay well-designed baseball cap will never be thrown out. It also fits the visual side of things, as everyone wearing your cap becomes a walking advertisement for your company.

The classic choice for branding on baseball caps is still embroidery. It may have been around before you were born, but it is still the most effective choice. It stands up to any treatment and will give your caps a much higher perceived value. We’ve all seen those caps at the souvenir stores. All floppy with some gaudy print on them. They are cheap to buy, they look cheap and most are bought as a gag and not as a cap they want to wear. Make sure you buy a nice quality cap. They don’t have to cost a fortune. A standard heavy brushed cotton is excellent material at a good price and they look fantastic with an embroidered logo.

When doing your branding, sometimes less is more. You don’t need to cover the entire cap with advertising – unless you are into racing cars. A simple embroidery on the front of your logo and business name is best. Some like to add a website or phone number around the back. Depending on how the cap is used, this can be effective. The best scenario is somewhere like an outdoor festival, where crowds are gathered and people are lined up behind each other. This gives them a chance to read what is written on the back.

Custom baseball caps make your brand stand out easily, so when doing your design, get creative and keep it visual. Try and avoid lots of fine lines and small text. You want it big and bold where possible. The easier it is to read, the better. Some people get too involved in the design and make it very complicated. Remember that caps are not just about advertising to the wearer. Their chief function is to advertise to others. If people are walking past on the street, this may mean two to three seconds at best, so keep it easy for people to spot and read to get the most out of them.

Caps are an effective marketing tool for any business when used in the right way. Besides adding something to your brand, they can also become a fashion accessory for your staff or team. They can enhance staff motivation or make people feel like they are part of a team.

If you’d like suggestions on how custom baseball caps would work for your business, give us a call or send us an email and we’d be happy to discuss different cap and design options with you.

The Caps Only Team